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My Favorite Study Apps


OneDrive is a great cloud-based drive! I've always been a fan of GoogleDrive, but OneDrive has such a great interface for PDFs. It will generate the chapter hyperlinks for textbooks, the sharing works just as well as Google, and most professors and college websites (Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas) prefer Word documents.

For anyone who does well with mock-exams, flash cards, and fill-in-the-blank style studying, Knowt is about to be your best friend. It was originally founded to replace Quizlet when Quizlet partnered with textbook solution companies and introduced payment plans. 


PhotoMath is the best mobile calculator for complex chemistry problems and such. It does not do anything in the way of graphing—for that, use Desmos


PowerPlanner is a multi-platform agenda app. It allows you to build a schedule with events and tasks! You can set recurring evens and tasks as well as have the app notify you multiple times. 

Mini Aqua 

Mini Aqua is a low-maintenance fish tank app. Using the Clock function, I can see the date while I watch my fish swim! Propping this up on my iPad or using it on my phone is a great way to occupy unused screens and help discourage me from using them for distracting things, like social media, as well as trick my brain into focusing better. 


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