Human Anatomy (KINE303) This course took place over the spring of 2021 by Dr. Evie Burnet. It is an intense by fascinating tour of the human body. One should note, however, that form follows function. I would advise one takes human physiology before human anatomy since physiology is much closer in content and format to the familiar biology classes that you must take before human physiology. Once function is understood, form is easier to comprehend. My advice for studying anatomy is to ensure that you're not taking several other rigorous courses the same semester. Unless you have a gift for memorization, you will need to devote ample time to studying this subject. Second, buy a sketchbook, and draw everything out. Label it, color-code it, do everything you see in the diagrams. As usual, the course content will be divided up in the same format as the professor chose to break up the class. Note that each review set is made from Quizlet. Quizlet has started charging for mo...
A simple assembly of some STEM classes from one person!
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