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Exam Buddy

The Exam Buddy is a document designed to create helpful study routines for those dreadful exams. 

It can be difficult to learn how you learn. Some people learn best by listening to a lecture (auditory), watching an animated diagram (visual), hands-on practice (kinesthetic), and reading/writing! Most people are a mixture of multiple learning styles. 

The Exam Buddy was originally created for a very special friend of mine while we tried to work out together how he best learns. He tends to get lost in the weeds of details, so we planned videos at the beginning to create a broad understanding before getting more specific. 

It can also be helpful to look up specific study techniques for people with a certain learning disability (dyslexia, ADHD, dyscalculia, etc.) if it applies to you!

The thing that matters most is putting in the effort to learn how you learn. Figure out which study methods work the best for you, and nothing academically will ever stand in your way—and it doesn't hurt for on-the-job professional training, either. Always be able to say that you did your absolute best, tried your absolute hardest (barring things that endanger your body, like skipping meals and hours of sleep!), even if you don't get the grade you idealized. 


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