Sustainable Food Systems & Diets (KINE362) Taught by Dr. Zach Conrad in 2021's fall semester, this course takes a detailed walk through how the United States feeds its people. As usual, the course content will be divided up in the same format as the professor chose to break up the class. This professor broke things up into four different units. Content Texts Introduction to the U.S. Food System Unit I Chapter 1: Food Systems Chapters 11-12: Crop & Food Animal Production Chapter 13 Food Processing & Packaging Food Processing Methods Chapter 14: Food Distribution Lecture: Trends in the U.S. Local & Regional Food Systems Unit II Chapter 2: Diet Quality & Health Effects Chapters 5-6: Food Security Lecture: How Do We Know What to Recommend to the Public? Lecture: Food Safety Unit III Lecture: Land & Water Lecture: Air & Energy Lecture: Food Loss & Waste Lecture: ...
A simple assembly of some STEM classes from one person!